Jan Evert Musch, AB 18 (1987) and AB 20 (1990) articles / b)123upmpNr 1: "'The Bison of Norgervaart' (NL). Discovered T. Vermaning 1972. Drawing P. Dijkstra. "The bison is sculpted in steep retouche all around the circumference of an ancient frostsplit slice of bryozoic Scandinavian flint. The worn dark brown cortex has been used to indicate the hairy frontal parts, whereas the belly has an orange-ochre glossy patina whichwas already there before the retouch. It is most probably attributable to a Gravettian Upper Palaeolithic tradition with "Font Robert" tanged points, that was discovered by Vermaning in the immediate vicinity. On the boulderclay plateau in the provice of Drenthe; Northern Netherlands." Nr 2: "Bear sculpture from Norgervaart. Discover T. Vermaning 1972 . . . Drawing H. Peeters. It has been retouched from a large atypical flake of banded light grey Scandinavian flint. Steep retouch along the oversized back leg and back and slightly along the thin neck and undersized head. The blank did not allow a protruding front leg, but at reverse, a flake negative may represent one in reverse. Same site as Nr 1." Nr. 3: "Bear sculpture Anloo (Northern Netherlands); discovered Johannes Musch 1977; collection Joh. Musch. The piece has been retouched from a piece of white Skandinavian flint. It has similarity to Nr. 2 but its cultural designation cannot be given as any more specific than 'younger than Middle Palaeolithic.'" Illustration © J. E. Musch. Musch, J. E. (1987). Beestachtig en Beregoed (deel 1). Archaeologische Berichten 18:108-129. Elst, NL. Page 122. |