HK148b Aterian Hut Site, Har Karkom, Israel, Gallery 2 -- West Sector
c. greater than 100,000 to 24,000 BP; c) hk148b west sector #9,10,11,12

Aterian hutfloor HK 148b, West Sector, artifacts #9, #10, #11 and #12a are in situ in this photograph. Facing west-south-west. This photo is a few steps closer to the hut perimeter. It is the only image I have of artifact #9. In this photo the two pentagular shield-like artifacts are halfway from top to bottom, the limestone #9 to the left, pointing downward, the flint #12a to the right, pointing up.

Tentative interpretation (James Harrod): Geometric, pentangular, shield-like, possibly female figurine or 'goddess'.

Photo © James Harrod. James Harrod site photos taken on Emmanuel Anati Har Karkom Expedition, April 1996.

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c) hk148b westsec#9101112