HK148b Aterian Hut Site, Har Karkom, Israel, Gallery 2 -- West Sector
c. greater than 100,000 to 24,000 BP; b) hk148b #8 female figurine

Aterian hutfloor HK 148b, West Sector, artifact #8.

Tentative interpretation (James Harrod): Female figurine, with geometric form; flint. There is very faint suggestion that it may have been meant to be a combination with an additional animal image. If this were found at an Upper Paleolithic site it would be immediately classified as a female figurine. I suggest there is nothing to preclude the same identification when we see such an artifact at a Middle Paleolithic site.

Photo © James Harrod. James Harrod site photos taken on Emmanuel Anati Har Karkom Expedition, April 1996.

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b) hk148b #8 femalepluszoo