Boukoulian, Netherlands, c. 400,000 BP / g)bouk5a

Comparison of Boukoul 'bifaces, ' 'cleavers,' 'backed knives' and 'choppers' with similar tool forms from B=Bilzingsleben; V=Vertesszöllos; Ieg=Iegelpoel. A full report on the Boukoulian is given in Van Es, J. and Franssen, C.J.H. (1989). Een vroege microkern-traditie van de Peelhorst het Boukoulien. Archaeologische Berichten 19:6-25;93-133. Elst, NL.

Comment: The larger artifacts from Bilzingsleben and Vertesszöllos and the smaller ones from Boukoul and Iegelpoel might be identified according to the Debenath and Dibble typology as 'partial bifaces' and.or bifaces of 'triangular, cordiform and ovate aspect'. On the other hand others might identify some of these Boukoul and Iegelpoel artifacts as scrapers that accidentally resemble bifaces.

Illustration © S. Dijkstra. In (1989). Special issue on Boukoul/Coquelles. Archaeologische Berichten 19. Elst, NL; pl. 5a.

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