Early Acheulian & Developed OldowanB / x)oldtkloweroesfig84

Other typical tools of the Developed Oldowan B and Early Acheulian. TK Lower Occupation Floor, Upper Bed II, Olduvai Gorge (c. 1.15-1.3 MYA). (1) to (5) burins; (6) and (7) outils écaillés; (8) to (12) latterally trimmed flakes. (6) and (10) are made from fine-grained quartzite and the rest from quartz. TK Lower is an Early Acheulian industry.

Comment: The outils écaillés first appear in the early Developed Oldowan B and then in the latter Early Acheulian industry. There overall shape suggests that it is patterned on a peculiar non-mirror symmetry pair, with one side convex and its opposite concave.

Photo © Leakey, M. (1971). Olduvai Gorge, Vol. 3. Cambridge: At the University Press: fig. 84.

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