Jan Evert Musch, AB 18 (1987) and AB 20 (1990) articles / g)smild1

The photo essay 'Continuation picture book' contains images attributed to the Pliocene through the Neolithic. Illustrations and photos of stone sculptures from Rhenen and earlier sites are shown elsewhere on this website. This gallery now highlights the illustrations from the Smildian (Final Acheulian) sites of Eemster and Schuilenburg in Northern Netherlands (c. 100,000-80,000 BP) and later traditions and periods.

The author places tiny ideograms next to artifacts to indicate his identification of motifs. Nr. 2 female+bird; Nr 3 female; Nr. 5 primate. 4 is a horsehead; 6 another head.

Illustration © Siemen Dijkstra. Musch, J. E. (1990b). Continuation picture book: Stone sculptures Pliocene-Neolithicum. Archaeologische Berichten 20:85-107. Elst, NL. Page 98.

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