Jan Evert Musch, AB 18 (1987) and AB 20 (1990) articles / e)4567

Nr 4: "Bison sculpture from Surrey, England. Discover Ron Williams 1979; collection J.E. Musch. From a piece of local grey flint with heavy white patina/cortex, a bison is portrayed; mainly the legs have been retouched. Middle Palaeolithic association."

Nr 5: "Bear sculpture from Hoogeveen; discovered Maarten Perdeck; collection Perdeck. From form-suggestive blade; with slight retouche; 'notches' complete the shape, as appears usual with the Upper Palaeolithic sculptures and later ones. Grey Scandinavian flint. Published previously in Archaeologische Berichten 11/12. From a late-Hamburgian Upper Palaeolithic site. Drawing Peeters."

Nr. 6: "Bear sculpture from Venlo); discovered J. Driessens; collection J. Driessens. Retouched like Nr 5 from a form-suggestive blade. Dark grey southern flint with white specks. Upper Palaeolithic, Ahrensburgian. The general posture (contour of back front leg) is the same as with the contour-engraved 'bearstone from Oosterwolde' in collection A. Dijkstra."

Nr. 7: "Bear sculpture from Hejlsminde; discovered J. E. Musch 1979; collection J. E. Musch. Surface retouch in contracoupe; at the reverse some cortex left. Grey, patchy Scandinavian flint. Slight silica-gloss and worn edges. Found with artifacts with identical wear in meltwaterdeposits of last interglacial on the eastern coast of Jutland. Uppermost Acheulian [c. 100,000 BP]."

Illustration © J. E. Musch. Musch, J. E. (1987). Beestachtig en Beregoed (deel 1). Archaeologische Berichten 18:108-129. Elst, NL. Page 124.

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