HK148b Aterian Hut Site, Har Karkom, Israel, Gallery 3 -- N and NE Sector c. greater than 100.000 to 24,000 BP; k) hk148b #16d equid

Aterian hutfloor HK 148b, NE Sector, artifact #16d; flint.

Tentative interpretation (James Harrod): Artifact #16d seems an excellent representation of an equid, a horse or wild ass, the artist utilizing a natural bump for the eye and flaking nostrils and the ears. Compare other candidates for representation of an equid from HK 148b, artifact #10 and artifact #16a.

Photo © James Harrod. James Harrod site photos taken on Emmanuel Anati Har Karkom Expedition, April 1996.

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k) hk148b #16d equid