MP Gallery #4c - HK86b, Har Karkom, Israel, Paleolithic Sanctuary, MP-UP Transition, c. 47-38,000 BP; t) hk86b mine

Flint quarry, just over the edge of cliff at location of HK86b, Paleolithic Sanctuary. The rows of flint nodules are visible. Examination indicates five strata of nodules. From bottom to top:

  • large tabular flint blocks in fluid shapes, tan cortex/brown flint
  • nodules, white cortex/black flint
  • smaller tabular flint blocks, rough orange-brown cortex/brown flint
  • nodules, white cortex/black flint
  • nodules, white cortex/black flint

Photo © James Harrod. James Harrod site photos taken on Emmanuel Anati Har Karkom Expedition, April 1996.

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t) hk86b mine