MP Gallery #4c - HK86b, Har Karkom, Israel, Paleolithic Sanctuary, MP-UP Transition, c. 47-38,000 BP; p) hk86b engrequid ArViv

One of flint blocks lying flat on the ground among the sanctuary standing stones. Nodule-figurine. Overall natural form with incised zoomorph (Anati, E., Cottinelli, L., and F. Mailland. 1996. Il santuario più antico del mondo. Archeologia Viva XV,56:33).

Photo © E. Anati

Comment (James Harrod). The incised figure has arcing horns, which suggests a dorcas gazelle or maybe roan antelope, oryx, ibex or barbary sheep. The overall form of the nodule suggests two zoomorphs, one facing left and one right, perhaps, an equid head (horse or wild ass) facing right and a heavy bovid (ox or African buffalo, perhaps) facing left.

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p) hk86b engrequid ArViv